Monday, June 16, 2008


We finally officially had Jaida's dedication on May 25th three days after her 1st birthday. We were so blessed and honored by Noah's family coming to take part. His grandmother Doris and her identical twin Marge came all the way from Annapolis, MA for the event. As well as his dad Rob and awesome wife Debbie(a.k.a. Gampa Bud and Nana or Gama Debbie) from KDH.

I love the tradition of dedication because it is not so much a baptism, which we believe Jaida is too Young to choose, But a commitment or pledge on the our part and those who love our children to conduct our selves in a way that will point our kids to Christ and the knowledge of the Gospel. A pretty huge responsibility if you think about it.

We really want to say thankyou to all of you who take part in our lives and our children's lives. We are so honored to be given so many amazing friends and family to help us in our endeavor to raise healthy loving, and God loving kids. We don't take it lightly, that so many of you have layed down your lives for our family. We can only say, one day, we want to do the same for all of you and your lil' babes to come.

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

"Pic'n strawberries makes me feel like a MAN!"

This is how they start out, isn't it amazing how they end up!!

So I finally joined all the "good mothers" and took my kids to pic strawberries at the patch.
It was fun watching Ezra search for each little treasure. Then pretty much squish each one as he picked it with the heavy hand of a three year old. After a while he began to learn how to be gentle. He actually ended up with a couple pounds of edible strawberries. The funny part is when we got home I set the bag of fresh hand picked goodies on our front steps while we played outside for a few minutes and our precocious cat, Storm, made a bed for himself on the bag and squished almost every one. So I froze em' for smoothies, not a total loss.

Its amazing how getting your child involved in the process changes their opinion. before this day he said "I don't like strawberries."

At the end of our strawberry adventure he said happily " Pic'n strawberries makes me feel like a man!" Oh Ezra!! I love my little man!!!

We had a good time with Aunt Niki, Whickey, & Buffy!